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Tous les détails sur la vente de billets de SummerSlam 2019 au Canada

Crédit photo : WWE

Update : 12 mars

La vente pour les billets individuels va commencer le vendredi 15 mars sur TicketMaster à ce lien. Dès maintenant vous pouvez toujours vous procurer des billets du ''travel package'' comme détaillé plus bas, mais aussi des billets combo des quatre shows excluant l'hôtel sur TicketMaster.


Article original 26 février :

Comme annoncé en août dernier (détails ici), la WWE va présenter son plus grand show de l'été SummerSlam 2019 au Canada ! Plus précisément à la Scotiabank Arena à Toronto dans la province de l'Ontario du 10 au 13 août 2019 avec quatre shows de la WWE :

  • Samedi 10 août 2019 : NXT TakeOver Toronto 2
  • 11 août : SummerSlam
  • 12 août : RAW
  • 13 août : SmackDown

Voilà que finalement nous connaissons les détails sur la vente de billets pour ces événements. La vente va débuter le mardi 5 mars 2019 à 18H Paris ou Midi Montréal pour les billets ''travel package''. C'est à dire les forfaits voyage où la WWE offre différent packs comprenant l'hôtel et les shows. Cette vente se fera sur le site et les prix vont de $3 855 USD à $1 740 pour une personne, vous pouvez consulter en détails les packs un peu plus bas.

Par la suite, la WWE va mettre en vente les billets individuels pour chacun des shows le vendredi 15 mars. Pour nos lecteurs et lectrices canadiens, il reste maintenant à savoir si vous voulez assister à cet événement, la dernière édition de SummerSlam sur le sol canadien remontant à 2004 ! Sachez que les forfaits voyage sont disponibles pour les canadiens, mais aussi partout à travers le monde.


Each person in this group (maximum 4 people per group) will receive:

SummerSlam Ticket
Scotiabank Arena
Seating – Ringside Floor, Rows 1–3
Collectible Chair
Sunday, Aug. 11, 2019

NXT Takeover: Toronto Ticket
Scotiabank Arena
Seating – Ringside Floor, Rows 1–3
Saturday, Aug. 10, 2019

Monday Night Raw Ticket
Scotiabank Arena
Seating – Ringside Floor, Rows 1–3
Monday, Aug. 12, 2019

SmackDown LIVE Ticket
(only included with 4-night hotel accommodations)
Scotiabank Arena
Seating – Ringside Floor, Rows 1–3
Tuesday, Aug. 13, 2019

Breakfast with WWE Superstars and Legends
Buffet-style breakfast and exclusive autograph session
Sunday, Aug. 11, 2019

Superstar Experience with WWE Superstars and Legends
Meet and greet with WWE Superstars and Legends

Exclusive Reception with WWE Superstars and Legends
Reception at Scotiabank Arena prior to SummerSlam
Sunday, Aug. 11, 2019

Toronto Boat Cruise on the Kajama with WWE Superstars and Legends
Enjoy an exclusive brunch aboard a Toronto cruise ship. Step aboard and experience the finest restored Tail Ship on the Great Lakes; 165-foot, three-masted gaff-rigged schooner. Launched as the Wilfred in Rendsburg, Germany in 1930, the Kajama traded under sail for nearly 70 years.
Transportation included
Monday, Aug. 12, 2019

Toronto Area Hotel
3-Night Hotel Accommodations – Check-in Saturday, Aug. 10, 2019 / Check-out Tuesday, Aug. 13, 2019
4-Night Hotel Accommodations – Check-in Saturday, Aug.10, 2019 / Check-out Wednesday, Aug. 14, 2019
* Each person in this group will share one standard room.

Championship Package Prices - 4-Night Hotel Accommodations ( in USD)
1 Person – $ 3,855
2 People – $ 3,220 per person
3 People – $ 3,030 per person
4 People – $ 2,920 per person

Championship Package Prices - 3-Night Hotel Accommodations ( in USD)
1 Person – $ 3,365
2 People – $ 2,890 per person
3 People – $ 2,745 per person
4 People – $ 2,665 per person

Each person in this group (maximum 4 people per group) will receive:

SummerSlam Ticket
Scotiabank Arena
Seating – Ringside Floor, Rows 4–6
Collectible Chair
Sunday, Aug. 11, 2019

NXT Takeover: Toronto Ticket
Scotiabank Arena
Seating – Ringside Floor, Rows 4–6
Saturday, August 10, 2019

Monday Night Raw Ticket
Scotiabank Arena
Seating – Ringside Floor, Rows 4–6
Monday, Aug. 12, 2019

SmackDown LIVE Ticket
(only included with 4-night hotel accommodations)
Scotiabank Arena
Seating – Ringside Floor, Rows 4 - 6
Tuesday, Aug. 13, 2019

Breakfast with WWE Superstars and Legends
Buffet-style breakfast and exclusive autograph session
Sunday, Aug. 11, 2019

Superstar Experience with WWE Superstars and Legends
Meet and greet with WWE Superstars/Legends

Toronto Area Hotel
3-Night Hotel Accommodations – Check-in Saturday, Aug. 10, 2019 / Check-out Tuesday, Aug. 13, 2019
4-Night Hotel Accommodations – Check-in Saturday, Aug. 10, 2019 / Check-out Wednesday, Aug. 14, 2019
* Each person in this group will share one standard room.

Platinum Package Prices - 4-Night Hotel Accommodations ( in USD)
1 Person – $ 2,625
2 People – $ 1,990 per person
3 People – $ 1,800 per person
4 People – $ 1,690 per person

Platinum Package Prices - 3-Night Hotel Accommodations ( in USD)
1 Person – $ 2,160
2 People – $ 1,685 per person
3 People – $ 1,540 per person
4 People – $ 1,460 per person

Each person in this group (maximum 4 people per group) will receive:

SummerSlam Ticket
Scotiabank Arena
Seating – Central Risers, Rows 1–6
Sunday, August 11, 2019

NXT Takeover: Toronto Ticket
Scotiabank Arena
Seating – Central Risers, Rows 1–6
Saturday, Aug. 10, 2019

Monday Night Raw Ticket
Scotiabank Arena
Seating – Central Risers, Rows 1–6
Monday, Aug. 12, 2019

SmackDown LIVE Ticket
(only included with 4-night hotel accommodations)
Scotiabank Arena
Seating – Central Risers, Rows 1–6
Tuesday, Aug. 13, 2019

Breakfast with WWE Superstars and Legends
Buffet-style breakfast and exclusive autograph session
Sunday, Aug. 11, 2019

Superstar Experience with WWE Superstars and Legends
Meet and greet with WWE Superstars and Legends

Toronto Area Hotel
3-Night Hotel Accommodations – Check-in Saturday, Aug. 10, 2019 / Check-out Tuesday, Aug. 13, 2019
4-Night Hotel Accommodations – Check-in Saturday, Aug. 10, 2019 / Check-out Wednesday, Aug. 14, 2019
* Each person in this group will share one standard room.

Gold Package – TIER 1 Package Prices - 4-Night Hotel Accommodations ( in USD)
1 Person – $ 2,265
2 People – $ 1,635 per person
3 People – $ 1,440 per person
4 People – $ 1,330 per person

Gold Package – TIER 1 Package Prices - 3-Night Hotel Accommodations ( in USD)
1 Person – $ 1,840
2 People – $ 1,365 per person
3 People – $ 1,220 per person
4 People – $ 1,140 per person

Each person in this group (maximum 4 people per group) will receive:

SummerSlam Ticket
Scotiabank Arena
Seating – Central Risers, Rows 7+
Sunday, Aug. 11, 2019

NXT Takeover: Toronto Ticket
Scotiabank Arena
Seating – Central Risers, Rows 7+
Saturday, Aug. 10, 2019

Monday Night Raw Ticket
Scotiabank Arena
Seating – Central Risers, Rows 7+
Monday, Aug. 12, 2019

SmackDown LIVE Ticket
(only included with 4-night hotel accommodations)
Scotiabank Arena
Seating – Central Risers, Rows 7+
Tuesday, Aug. 13, 2019

Breakfast with WWE Superstars and Legends
Buffet style breakfast and exclusive autograph session
Sunday, Aug. 11, 2019

Superstar Experience
Meet and greet with WWE Superstars and Legends

Toronto Area Hotel
3-Night Hotel Accommodations – Check-in Saturday, Aug. 10, 2019 / Check-out Tuesday, Aug. 13, 2019
4-Night Hotel Accommodations – Check-in Saturday, Aug. 10, 2019 / Check-out Wednesday, Aug. 14, 2019
* Each person in this group will share one standard room.

Gold Package – TIER 2 Package Prices - 4-Night Hotel Accommodations ( in USD)
1 Person - $ 2,145
2 People - $ 1,515 per person
3 People - $ 1,320 per person
4 People - $ 1,210 per person

Gold Package – TIER 2 Package Prices - 3-Night Hotel Accommodations ( in USD)
1 Person – $ 1,740
2 People – $ 1,270 per person
3 People – $ 1,125 per person
4 People – $ 1,040 per person

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Commentaire supprimé par Catch-Newz.

Whoa, je kiffais les Summerslam à Brooklyn l'ambiance y été toujours, par contre au Canada ça va envoyer du lourd !

Et si tu étais le premier à partager ton avis ?
Encore plus: |



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